Posted on 7/31/2023

Many car owners know that they should check their brakes. Fewer know how important brake fluid is to the performance of their braking system and their safety. Therefore, flushing and replacing brake fluid when necessary is a crucial aspect of car maintenance. The following are signs you need to flush or replace your brake fluid: Bouncy or Spongy Brake Pedal When you have fresh brake fluid, you should be able to evenly press the brake pedal to the floor. If it feels soft or bouncy, it may be a sign that you need new brake fluid. Low brake fluid causes air gaps in the brake line hence the spongy brake pedal. If you have to pump the brakes several times to stop the car before it stops, replace your brake fluid. Poor Braking Performance A vehicle's brakes should be fast and responsive, which helps you avoid accidents. If the brakes are slow and unresponsive, it is often a sign to get the brakes checked and probably flush the braking fluid. There could be other causes of the probl ... read more