Posted on 7/26/2022

Never ignore car sounds, these signify that there's a problem. Ignoring them does not help as sooner or later something out of the usual and perhaps dangerous may happen. We have summed up 4 of the most common car sounds to keep a lookout for. Squealing when being started Rattling when driving over speed bumps Squealing when moving the steering wheel Squealing when stepping on brake pedals Squealing When Being Started This sound could possibly mean that the serpentine belt is failing or almost completely useless. This long rubber belt may be located attached to the crankshaft or AC compressor, alternator, power steering as well as other pumps. This however depends on your vehicle's model. The most common reason your serpentine belt could be making unwanted noises is basically due to wear and tear form being used. Failing to deal with it sooner could leave you with a broken AC and potentially stranded one day. Rattling When Driving Over Speed Bumps Your car's suspens ... read more